Self-loathing, self-sabotage, self-condemnation, we humans are really good at hating ourselves. Lies run through our minds: you’re a failure, you’re worthless, you’re stupid, you’re pathetic, you’re ugly, you’re unlovable, you’re too wicked to be forgiven, you will never be better, you will never be sober, you will never escape your past, you will never be healed, you will never have peace – and this is just the short list.
Where does it come from? The devil. The enemy keeps a running negative recording assaulting our minds. Crazy thing is, satan doesn’t know us at all! He’s the accuser, randomly pitching condemnation around like hot acid until something seems to hit home. If we buy into it, if we receive it, it can wound us, make us afraid, bring depression, give us doubt, paralyze us, tempt us to hate ourselves.
Good news! Great news! We don’t have to accept it, we don’t have to receive it, and we sure don’t have to believe it. Why? Because Jesus has handled it all. Grace covers everything. There is therefore now no condemnation for all of us who are in Christ Jesus. No condemnation. We are set free, set free from our sin, set free from our past, set free from our circumstances, all by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of life who applies grace to our souls. We are beautiful! We are smart! We are successful! We are loved – eternally! We are forgiven! We are saved! And all of our problems – pain, illness, loss, addiction, sin, our past, depression, our circumstances, trauma, or whatever has already been handled by the cross of Christ! Spiritually, we are perfect, and when we die we go straight to Heaven, where we will be revealed in the full glory God designed us for. So shut yo’ mouth, devil! When these negative narratives come our way, we silence them with this important truth: NO CONDEMNATION FOR ME!
Prayer: Thank You, Lord God, that You have handled all the accusations the devil tries to throw at me with the blood of Christ. Empower me, O Lord, Spirit of life, to reject the condemnation and receive only the benefits of grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.