Can’t believe we are halfway through our First 30! So let’s talk about celebration! Homecoming celebrations. family reunions, church anniversaries, service men and women returning home, we have great parties to mark these wonderful times of togetherness. This verse is about a HUGE homecoming party! Another exilic prophet, Zephaniah, is predicting that the Jewish exiles will return to Zion, the people will be gathered from all the places to which they were scattered, and all their worship and prosperity will be restored. Like many other Old Testament prophets, it also says all nations will become part of God’s people. The center of this glorious celebration finds God Himself in their midst – among them – saving them, rejoicing over them, loving them, and singing over them! And it foreshadows a time when God will walk among them, free access to God that is community-wide and yet intimate. Giving God joy, God will exult over His people with gladness and loud singing! I love that part. How does it happen? Only in Jesus. Only when God the Son walks among us do we see the mighty salvation, the quieting love, the gladness and joy of the Godhead not just for the Jews but for all people – anyone who wants to become part of God’s family.
How long has it been since someone sang over you in joy? Was it the “Happy Birthday” song? Or “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” at a retirement party? A shout of “Hip, hip, hooray” or a gusty “ooh-rah” at a military event? Was it the lullabies your mother or grandmother sang to you as a baby? When was somebody else so glad over you they sang? When did you feel safe and loved? Do you know the might of God’s salvation that brings you in, gives you free access to the Living God both personally and in the congregation of all believers? Have you heard His lullabies over you, His shout of joy for you? Have you rested in His arms as He quiets you with His love? This is the heritage of the children of God. This is your heritage. God takes joy in us.
Prayer: Thank You, O God, that You love me and take joy in me, that You are a mighty Savior and comfort me with Your love. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving me access to the heart of God, and thank You for bringing me into the joyful assembly where You are leading the singing, and rejoice over all of us. I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.