Jesus did thousands of miracles while He was on earth: healings, He cast out demons, walked on water, calmed storms, forgave sins, multiplied food to feed thousands of people, and raised people from the dead. Everything He did was to show His authority as the Son of God over the creation, over illness, over the sins that bind human hearts, over ignorance, over the Sabbath, over circumstances, over death, and over the devil and all his demons. Today’s verses are about a desperate father whose deaf and mute son suffered convulsions that endangered his very life, throwing him into water and fire. This father comes to Jesus’ disciples – disciples who have been on a successful mission trip with healings and exorcisms of their own – and yet they cannot help this child. They cannot cast the demon out, and the dad despairs for his son. Jesus comes upon this huge crowd where His disciples are arguing with some Jewish scribes after their embarrassing failure.
He starts by asking questions: “What are you arguing about?” Hearing the dilemma, Jesus is frustrated over their lack of faith.
“O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him [the boy] to Me.” Then Jesus speaks directly to this grieving parent: “How long has this been happening to him?” The tragic story tumbles out, a lifetime of caring for this afflicted child, trying to keep him safe and communicate with him over insurmountable barriers, ending with, “But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.”
Jesus answers, “If you can! All things are possible for one who believes.!”
To which the father cries out: “I believe! Help my unbelief!” Fantastic prayer, one of the best prayers ever! Not only does Jesus help the father’s faith, He immediately heals the child, banishing the demon from his soul forever.
Reading about all of Jesus’ miraculous signs, we wonder at how people – especially the disciples – could have such an epic faith fail. Truth is, none of us is immune to a faith crisis when the personal stakes are high, say, when our reputation as believers or the life of our child is on the line. God is always ready to help us out, to give us a faith boost when we ask: “I believe! Help Thou my unbelief.” It’s one of my go-to prayers when desperation drives me to my knees.
Prayer: Lord God, we believe. When troubles assail our souls let us run to You and pray this prayer that never fails: “I believe, help my unbelief.” More faith is the gift You are always ready and eager to give Your children. Thank You! In Jesus’ name, amen.