First 30 – Day 2 – Believing Seekers

 Trust issues. We all have them.  Arriving at our house on a visit, my son and daughter-in-law would hand, not to say toss, the grandbabies into our arms.  Tired out from hours in the car, they fussed – who were these grey-headed humans holding them? – and reached for their mom.  My daughter-in-law said, “You’re okay,” and after a minute, they stopped fussing and snuggled in. I love that.  So my husband I were labeled, by the person they trusted most – their mom – as a safe place.  Now when we visit they pelt into our arms yelling “Papaw, papaw!”  Why does he get first billing?  I’m not bitter.  Really.

 Like little kids trying to define our safe places, spiritually we are all looking for a home.  But we have to: give God a chance.  It takes a little bit of faith, just a little bit, to come to God.  When Jesus walked the earth, thousands of people came out to hear Him.  People just like you and me, people who had problems, people who were sick, people who were poor, and people who felt lost.  Lots of them had been hurt by religion that was cold and remote, a bunch of rules and regulations.  But Jesus’ teachings were different, radical, life-changing.  Yes, Jesus healed people, and fed people, and even cast demons out of tormented souls.  But more than solving their immediate problems Christ’s goal was always to connect people to God, to teach us about God’s loving heart, to give us reasons to believe.  Yet it all started with a simple faith step: to believe that God is real, that God exists, and that maybe, just maybe, God loves us personally and eternally.  Are you a believing seeker?  Are you serious about giving God a chance?   If you are, God will meet you where you are,

Prayer: Eternal God, I am seeking You.  I believe You exist.  Show me Your truth, give me faith to trust You more, and fulfill Your promise to reward me with eternal and spiritual blessings.  I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

4 thoughts on “First 30 – Day 2 – Believing Seekers”

  1. It reminds me of the man who said, “I believe. Help me in my unbelief.” I find myself in the last few months needing to strengthen my faith and not allow discouragement or what looks like “punishments” distract me.

    I so admire those whose faith doesn’t falter, my Grandma had that. One of many characteristics of her that I wish were more dominant in me.

    It’s funny, I was disappointed when the post wasn’t up before I had to get ready for work. As God often does, He gave to me when I needed it. Thank you for sharing this.

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