First 30 – Day 7 – Not Alone

According to God, the universe was good, and humans were very good. But being alone is not good, so God creates a helpmeet fit for Adam. God parades all the living creatures past the man, and Adam creates names for all of them: camel, porcupine, butterfly, etc., and two things happen: Adam sees he is like God, and he sees he is not like the animals! None of the animals shares his God-image. Now that Adam sees his need, God creates Eve, a woman who shares the divine stamp. Adam says, “Ah, at last! Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh!” Someone to talk with and think with, someone to work and play with, someone to create with, and someone with whom he could worship God.

God creates us into community, and God creates us unique. Humans are not meant to be alone. We all need other people. Male and female are equal in the created order. Male and female are not codependent but interdependent. In the intimacy of marriage – also God’s creation – we experience community. And every other relationship: parent, child, brother, sister, friendship, etc., when working right, reveals our own God-image and our need of other folk who share our God-image. Community draws us closer to God.

Prayer: Thank You, O God for creating us into community with circles of people around us to love us and be loved by us. May these relationships always lead us to love You more, and to worship You. In Christ’s name, amen.

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