First 30 Day 19 Faith Boost

Jesus did thousands of miracles while He was on earth: healings, He cast out demons, walked on water, calmed storms, forgave sins, multiplied food to feed thousands of people, and raised people from the dead.  Everything He did was to show His authority as the Son of God over the creation, over illness, over the sins that bind human hearts, over ignorance, over the Sabbath, over circumstances, over death, and over the devil and all his demons.

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First 30 Day 16 Sinless High Priest

The ancient enemy of the human race, satan, comes when Jesus is hungry, and he thinks that the Lord will be vulnerable. The devil shows up to tempt Jesus, because he knows that this is the guy; Jesus is the Messiah, He’s the guy! The enemy’s strategy is to derail Christ’s mission by getting Jesus to sin, to choose to die at the wrong time and in the wrong way, so there is no atonement for sin, no eternal forgiveness for human souls.

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